In his sermon titled “Care to Share,” Jeremy, our preacher, challenged us to share our stories because our stories are how we make Jesus known. He says – “You know, I may post the beautiful sunset seasons, but I don’t post the raging storms seasons. But you know what? That may be the very stuff […]
Feeling all the Feelings
Pretending to be a bug when taking a snack break! Josiah has started intensive therapy. Intensive = 45 hours of physical therapy, 40 hours of occupational therapy, and 20 hours of speech therapy in 20 days. It’s been a good week so far. Our weekend was full of late nights and early mornings, so he […]
The Miracle, and a Quick Update
The Miracle This boy. His MRI is coming up on May 23rd. If the results are good, he moves to yearly MRIs. I never thought we’d reach this point. It seemed so far away. One major brain surgery, vision loss, a stroke, seizures, 16 months of chemotherapy, several leg and arm braces, 4 different hormone […]
Seeing the hand of God
I love that on different apps, we can see photos from “this day” in past years. I love getting to see my now 12, 10, 7, and 5 year old children as babies and toddlers and preschoolers. And this time of year, I see their back to school pictures, proof of how much they’ve grown […]
The Nightmare
Have you ever had a nightmare? You know, the one where you wake up in a panicky sweat, short of breath, convincing yourself it was just a bad dream? Yeah, one of those. If you’re like me, you take some time to breathe and calm yourself down until you’re able to relax and settle back […]
Baskets of Blessings
I came home this afternoon to a house-full of laundry. I decided I’d start with the two baskets that were OVERFLOWING with towels. As I loaded up the washing machine, only half emptying one basket before the machine was full, I couldn’t help but smile. All these towels meant that we had a full house […]