The last several days of posts have been pretty informational, intense, and tear forming. I’m ready to lighten it up a bit, and go from “then” to “NOW.” This is Josiah now. He loves placing things on his head and walking around. Our other kids are always amazed that he can walk around without […]
Sarah Grace
Sarah Grace As I begin writing for 31 days, I realize I cannot write about the last three years without including my cousin, Sarah Grace. Her story is so intertwined into the pain of 2012, and is one I have not shared publicly. She passed away three years ago today. I struggle with how […]
Today I’m throwing out a post I wrote two months after Josiah’s surgery. We’re currently traveling home from visiting Nathan’s family in North Carolina, so I wasn’t able to get anything new written; but I didn’t want to skip a day of posts in this 31 day challenge. Tomorrow will be something brand new though! […]
Surgery Day
Three years ago today we were at the hospital at 6:30am preparing for Josiah’s brain surgery. As I was looking back at the caringbridge posts from three years ago today, I am so glad I journaled through the process. There are so many little details I don’t recall. I found this statement very interesting: “He wasn’t interested […]
A Quick History
Write31Days: My Granny always said I was going to college to get my M.R.S. Degree. While I graduated with a teaching degree in 2004, I did, in fact earn the M.R.S. Degree when I married Nathan. I became Mrs. Tuley in May of 2002. Granny was able to witness that before her passing three months […]
Reflections: Then & Now and everything in between
Write31Days I am so excited to take the challenge of writing for 31 days! I had this goal set last year when I went to the Declare Conference, but haven’t made the time to do so. I heard about this challenge after attending the Declare Conference again in August and decided that now is the […]
Declare 2014
As many of you know, I attended the Declare Conference, in Dallas, TX last weekend. It was an AMAZING weekend! First off – a road trip with two good friends is always an absolute blast! Second – Ikea. Enough said. Last, but certainly not least, the conference was more than I had imagined. Icing on […]
4-by-4 Link-up
In June a friend asked me if I’d be interested in going to a conference with her. I wasn’t sure what exactly it was all about and I had just started with getting my blog up and going, but it sounded like fun and my husband agreed, so I signed up! Now the time is […]