A few days into the year, Josiah had an eye evaluation from a specialist from MO School for the Blind. I’m overwhelmed with all the information that’s been coming my way since then. We learned some interesting things about Josiah’s vision during the evaluation. In short, there were two main things we will be adding to […]
July Medical Update
JULY MEDICAL UPDATE During the week of July 14th, we had noticed that Josiah was beginning to shake his head more to focus on what he was seeing/looking at. We also noticed more nystagmus (eye movement) in his eyes. We continued to see it as the week went on, and others noticed as well. This […]
Next Steps
Tuesday, May 27, 2014 We were hoping that today was going to be Josiah’s last chemo treatment. We were very disappointed to find out that his counts came back too low to receive treatment. Hopefully his counts will be up and next Monday can be his last treatment! The moment we walked into the clinic […]