Here’s what we’ve been up to the last week before & during quarantine. Trying our best to have some fun!

Seeing schools begin to shut down around our area, I told the kids that by the end of the next week everyone would probably be at home all day, ending my sentence with, “so you better get ready to be nice and cozy!”
Josiah was crazy quick to respond with “I call sleeping by mom!”
Not quite what I meant…
Schools did shut down, and Ruth Ann was super excited because she was planning to bring her chromebook home from school to be able to do her work at home. She was especially excited to set up a desk downstairs in the office with Nathan so she could work from home, just like him. His excitement did not match hers…
In preparation for everyone being home, Grace and I went to the store to pick up a few things. Even though she had heard about the toilet paper shortage, she wanted to see the empty shelves for herself. She did not leave disappointed.
I told her she would be sharing this with her grandchildren someday when their history assignment is to “interview a grandparent about the world pandemic,” also known as the toilet paper shortage of 2020.
Day 1

On school days, we usually have a quick and easy breakfast. Because we didn’t have to be out of the house at a certain time, I made pancakes with melted chocolate chips and sausage. They really enjoyed the treat!

Samuel was creative when making his lunch today.

We played Frisbie outside in the evening, and it ended up on the roof. Nathan was able to lift Ruth Ann up to grab it.

Nathan found a fun video for the kids to dance with. Just the littles got involved!
Day 2

Ruth Ann wanted me to share her writing prompt for the day.

Since it was rainy outside, the littles built a tall building out of Josiah’s magna-tiles.

The sun came out this evening and Nathan took the kids outside to play in the creek behind our house. They had a great time!

The sunset was beautiful.
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