MRI Day: Today was Josiah’s MRI. The Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorder Unit has moved to the main hospital, creating a new experience for us today. The room made Josiah nervous at first, but he calmed down fairly quickly and soon was chatting it up with everyone. He let them put on numbing cream, and […]
February 2020 MRI Results
Josiah did AWESOME today! I’m not even sure words can express how well today’s visit went. But I’ll do my best! Here are the prayer requests we shared yesterday – with today’s answers. For Josiah’s anxiety before and during the appointment and that it would be a good experience for him. That I would be […]
Upcoming MRI
Josiah’s MRI is tomorrow, Wednesday, February 26th. We’ll get to the hospital at 9:00. Josiah is pretty anxious, not about the MRI itself, but about having an iv. He absolutely hates anything to do with needles and our last few experiences have been less than stellar. Our plan tomorrow is to place numbing cream on […]
January 2018 MRI
Josiah’s MRI went really well! We didn’t get results right away since the MRI was later in the afternoon. They called this morning and told us everything still looks great! He’ll see the neurosurgeon Monday afternoon for his follow-up appointment. No Sedation! This was Josiah’s FIRST time to do the MRI while AWAKE! He didn’t […]
Seeing the hand of God
I love that on different apps, we can see photos from “this day” in past years. I love getting to see my now 12, 10, 7, and 5 year old children as babies and toddlers and preschoolers. And this time of year, I see their back to school pictures, proof of how much they’ve grown […]
May 2017 MRI
Here’s a quick MRI update from May 19th. I wrote this back in May, and realized I never did get around to posting it on the blog! Over the last month and a half (April/May), we noticed some symptoms with Josiah, which were a concern to me. We had him checked out with his primary […]
December 2016 MRI
December 8, 2016 Josiah and I were up at 4:30 yesterday to make granola bars for breakfast. He wasn’t able to eat or drink after 6, but since he woke up extra early, I took advantage of getting him some food and drink while he still could! We dropped Grace off at school and the […]
June 2016 MRI
June 21, 2016 Josiah had a long day today. We left the house a little after 7:00 this morning for his neuropsychological testing and MRI. The neuropsychological testing lasted about 2 hours. The neuropsychologist said he did great, and she will compile the results and we will meet with her again next month. Between her […]
Fun MRI Day Quotes
Josiah’s MRI results were clear/stable! Praise God! Josiah’s next MRI will be in June. Josiah was definitely in character yesterday so we thought it’d be fun to share a few of his quotes! To the Oncology Nurse Practitioner when she was chatting with him: “I wish I can be like you when I grow up”…She […]
MRI Preparation
Today as we were finalizing plans for tomorrow’s MRI, we told Josiah that he would be going to the hospital for a doctor appointment. He asked the question he always asks before an appointment – “Mommy, I’m not going to get a shot?” I explained that he wouldn’t be getting shots, but instead a needle in his […]