Josiah will have his yearly MRI on Thursday. It should be a pretty quick in and out appointment. First, he’ll get an IV and blood drawn for labs and check in with the doctor. Then he’ll head down for the MRI. Since he doesn’t need to be sedated anymore, we’ll be able to leave from there when he’s done.
Despite the crazy year of 2020, it was a pretty stable year for Josiah. No sickness, no major changes to medication, and not a lot of doctor appointments. He had a month of intensive therapy over the summer, which is always a great experience. He plans to do another round this coming summer. He’s had a few routine appointments over the last few months, and all those have gone well.
About a month ago, Josiah had an OT session, and we talked about different chores around the house that Josiah does. One thing he likes to do is putting a new trash bag into the trash can when it’s emptied. One handed, it’s harder to separate the bag and get it into the trash can without help. After mentioning that, the OT got the supplies needed so he could practice. She gave him the trash bag, and Josiah did it himself without any help. I was shocked that he did it so well there, and told the therapist that I guess he didn’t need help after all. Later, when we were telling Nathan, Josiah just said, “What? If I didn’t do it she would make me have to use a special tool to do it and I didn’t want to do that!” We all got a laugh out of that.
Another recent highlight was when we saw his rehab doctor. She’s been seeing Josiah since his surgery, when he was only 11 months old. She was very pleased at how well he was doing, and said she never would’ve imagined all those years ago how well he would be doing now. We will continue to monitor his leg length discrepancy, but as of now, there’s no need for surgery! He’s also been able to avoid more botox, as he’s keeping his range about the same. All great things!
We’re hopeful for a good MRI report and a great 2021 ahead!
Here’s a few pictures of Josiah at the rehab clinic from 2016 to now!
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
That’s our boy. God Bless you all.
Always love your updates!! What a miracle child he is!! Praising God!!
Thank you!